We weren’t
awake the whole time; there was some sleeping in the Comfort Inn in
Gaithersburg, Md. But I felt our march started at a rest area somewhere in New
Jersey where we smiled eagerly at all the women in pink pussy hats and wondered
how many others there were also on their way to march.
We finally
made it to our hotel around 1:30 a.m. after detouring into D.C. to drop off
Rachael’s friend J. Did more march-goers account for the tour
buses there? The desk clerk didn't know, but he’d seen teenagers with Trump caps, and
he looked dismayed when he said it.
morning we met up with cousin Raechel (yes, the cousins’ names are pronounced the
same, but spelled differently) and went to the Shady Grove Metro station, where
a line stretched maybe 20 yards. I heard some people waited in line at that
station for three hours! But we’d gotten our Metro cards in advance and breezed
right in. And got seats because Shady Grove was the end of the line.
Early on the
train filled up with mostly marchers. A couple of women in pussy hats handed
out Planned Parenthood stickers to whoever wanted one. One was a librarian, and
she and my librarian daughter, Christie, bonded over that. I was holding my
sign [[insert pic]] so it was visible, and one man took photos.
It took an
hour to get to Judiciary Square, where I texted another cousin and five other
people I knew were there, but we never connected with any of them – too many
people! Two were on the other side of the Mall. Niece Rachael wanted to follow
her phone’s directions, which I knew, from my years of experience at protests
in D.C., would have led us into the thickest mass of the crowd, while I wanted
to circle around the crowd, if that was possible. We started off on the “circle
around” strategy and passed a sign reading
“You’re so orange, I’ll bet you think this sign is about you.”(Some signs I couldn’t get photos of because we were walking and I was terrified of losing my small group.) After a while we made a Port-o-potty stop, where I saw these great shields (literally shields, with straps on the reverse for your arms).

Back on
Independence Avenue, people were moving in the direction of the White House,
and we joined the mass. There were great signs, but now, frustration. Whenever
I got out my phone to take a picture, someone walked in front of the sign, or
the sign-holder twisted it out of view, or I’d accidentally press the button
that turned the phone off. I missed so many great pictures. But here are some I caught.
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“I’m allergic to misogyny. It makes me break out in feminist rants.”And then we dispersed. It was around 3:30. We eventually met up with my nephew Geoff, who’d flown in from California for the march; hung out in the Martin Luther King branch of the D.C. Public Library until it closed; and went in search of dinner. Along with hundreds of thousands of marchers.
giving up on one place that had an hour and a half wait – we were seven people
by now – and waiting an hour at another place, eating in D.C. was impossible.
And we needed to drive back to New York that night. So we went back to Shady
Grove to pick up Rachael’s car, and ate a late dinner (9 p.m.) at Paladar,
which I recommend if you happen to be in Gaithersburg, Md., and want killer
short ribs.
On the road
back to New York at 10:30, we drove through moderate fog most of the way -- was this an omen of days to come? We
dropped off Christie in Brooklyn and made our way to upper Manhattan. The fog
faded on the West Side Highway around 34th Street, but emerged again at 79th