Friday, December 13, 2024

16. Love


What is love? Do I know what love is?

Love is not automatic with birth. How do I know my parents loved me, if they never said the words?

Does love require words?

If my lover says, “I love you,” can I believe him?

Why do I believe him?

Is love a feeling or an action?

Love is comfort, love is warmth, love is reliability.

Love is responsible, love is caring.

If I don’t put you first, even before myself,

does that mean I don’t love you?

How much sacrifice is needed to be called love?

Love is wanting the best for the other person.

Love is not competing with the other person.

Love is sharing honestly.

Love is missing you when you are gone.

Love is knowing you will return,

“ ’til death do us part.”

Love may be romantic, but

love doesn’t require romance.

Romance is Hallmark cards.

Romance masquerades as love.

Is lust love?

Can lust lead to love?

See above,

Love is responsible, love is caring.

Love is sharing honestly.

Love is actions as well as feelings.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

15. Hesitant


I have been hesitant to write this, as I have hesitated to write all of these emotions posts. I don’t know what to write. I’m not sure what to write. I don’t trust the words to say what I want. I don’t know what I want to say. I don’t have time right now to write. There’s always something more pressing to do or more fun to do. There’s always something more important than what I have to say. I can’t decide whether to write or do something else. I can’t decide what I want to say. Hesitation leads to inaction.