Monday, April 5, 2021

30/30: Golden Shovel Poem #5

Corporations taking a stand on voting

Strikes some as money putting limits

On what elected representatives can do, but raise

Your sights to another limit, corporations already pressure

Elected representatives in their own favor,  on

Issues that favor companies.


This headline introduces a story detailing the political organizing behind getting businesses to take a stand in support of voting rights in Georgia, as well as in Texas.


Here is how I am using Terrance Hayes’s Golden Shovel poem format, as proposed by the Sunday New York Times "At Home" section, for 30 Poems in 30 Days during National Poetry Month.


Take a newspaper headline that attracts you.

Use each word in the line as the end word for each line in your poem.

Keep the end words in order.

Describe the story that the headline is for.

The poem does not have to be about the same subject as the headline that creates the end words.

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