Tuesday, February 13, 2024

SOLTuesday: My Life in 50 Objects, #12

            Some years ago, I posted the first of what I intended to be a series. At the beginning of the pandemic I posted several more, then stopped. As you can see, I'm good at starting projects, but not so good at continuing and completing them. Let's see whether I can finish this one.

            I don’t know yet whether there will be as many as 50 objects or more than 50. We’ll how it develops. What I am aiming for is to describe the objects in my apartment and why I have kept them, what they mean to me, so that after I’m gone (which I don’t expect to be any time soon) my younger relatives won’t be saying,“Why did she keep this old thing?” My mother said she would do that for her jewelry, but she never did.


My mother was a craftswoman. She sewed, she knitted (while reading a book or watching TV, no less), she embroidered. Along the way she picked up needlepoint. This project started from a UNICEF greeting card I sent her. She liked the image so much she had it imprinted on a 30”x25” piece of canvas and copied it in yarn. At the bottom, she  stitiched her name and I think she meant to add the year, but the only numbers there are 197 (1970 something). After she died, she left many framed embroideries. I posted photos online so relatives could have their pick, but I didn’t post this one. I wanted it for myself.



It’s Slice of Life Tuesday over at Two Writing Teachers. Check out this encouraging and enthusiastic writing community and their slices of life every Tuesday. And add one of your own.



  1. I love this idea. I have been reading Jon Acuff's All It Takes Is a Goal, and he has us make lists. One category is best objects. Mine are sentimental objects that I keep because of the memories and connections to family and friends. Thank you for sharing. This is an inspiration for me.

  2. I have also read Jon Acuff's book, and the first thing I thought of was his list of objects. He later explains how the objects in our Best Moments List are tied to stories. And this is so true with your mother's embroideries!
