Tuesday, February 27, 2024

SOLTuesday: What do you do to avoid writing?


What do you do to avoid writing? Is it something otherwise constructive, like cleaning the oven or mopping all of the floors? Or is it totally wasteful, like spending an hour playing Bejeweled on your phone, like I did today? I had intended to work on the final edit for one of my job memoir pieces, but instead, I took out my phone and started playing the totally addictive Bejeweled. Moving the differently colored shapes into groups of three to make them disappear and new arrangements to show up—why is that so addictive for me? Is it satisfying the visual part of my brain? Is it merely giving me something to feel good about as the groups of three, or sometimes four or even five, jewels disappear and new patterns emerge—and the points on the scoreboard mount? I began to wonder how the game algorithm worked. As I scored more points, was the game programmed to keep me playing, was it harder to leave when new patterns kept appearing? When I reached 1,389,950, I stopped. The writing part of my brain woke up and pulled me away to write this slice of life. 



It’s Slice of Life Tuesday over at Two Writing Teachers. Check out this encouraging and enthusiastic writing community and their slices of life every Tuesday. And add one of your own.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY understand. I wrote something similar a few weeks ago. I now have my games all in one box on my phone, and the box is labeld, "write instead." Glad you woke up and realized the time that had gone by!
