Friday, July 5, 2024


 My brother died almost a week ago, and I wrote this almost immediately after I learned.



My brother died yesterday, suddenly, unpleasantly.

Am I sad? If not, why not?

I was an only child for a year and a half

Then this squalling creature took

My mother away from me.

The skies filled with dark clouds,

Anger turned visual.

He was a thing called a brother.

He lay on a blanket in the sun while

I held a knife-like object over his head.

Two years later came a new baby,

This one a thing called a sister.

Wasn’t I already a sister?

Why did they need another girl?

Thirteen years ago my sister was gone

Done in by her third round of breast cancer.

LIFO, Last In, First Out.

Now the brother is gone, and

I’m an only child again.

Only now I’m the matriarch.

From here on out, it’s all fiction.

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