Wednesday, March 11, 2020

SOL 11: At the Post Office

I went to the post office today to buy stamps (yes, I still use the postal service). I was trying to use my credit card in the machine without touching anything with my fingers. It wasn’t easy, and I said, “Nobody wants to touch anything.”
            The postal agent, a small, older African-American woman, said quietly, “Ever again?”
            “Well,” I said, “not until things get back to normal.”
            “When will that be?” she asked.
            “Maybe after the election?” I suggested.
            She laughed out loud.
I’m participating in the 13th annual Slice of Life Challenge over at Two Writing Teachers. This is day 11 of the 31-day challenge.  It’s not too late to make space for daily writing in a community that is encouraging, enthusiastic, and eager to read what you have to slice about.  Join in!


  1. Haha so true!! I'm debating on wearing gloves everywhere! I cant afford to get sick!

  2. Giving up shaking hands has been tough. The elbow touch only works for those you know well because the you can laugh about it.
