Saturday, December 25, 2021

My Life in 50 Objects: Bookcases

The New York Times Real Estate section this weekend has an article about people who still have physical print books and keep them in their own private libraries. I don’t have a library per se, but I do have a lot of books, which I have to cull periodically because I don’t have infinitely expandable space in my apartment. Four bookcases line a long hallway, and three and a half are in small hallway and a couple of rooms. They are roughly divided by category.


This one is all the fiction, alphabetically by author.


















This one is American history, arranged chronologically from the bottom up. Some years ago I got rid of all the books about Vietnam and Watergate, to provide space for more recent history.















Here is world history, mostly European, but some Asian and African.

















And here are all my women’s studies books, plus a bottom shelf of books by people I know. (Yes, that is a baseball glove on the fourth shelf up.)

No fancy shelving or sliding library ladder. But I can reach whatever I want when I want it.