Thursday, April 15, 2021

30/30: Golden Shovel #13.4

(a little out of order)


source: Pubs and Shops Reopen, Lifting a Nation’s Spirits


Walk with me down to the pubs.

We’ll drink and talk and dance and,

Well soused, we’ll stop by the shops,

Wander past bakeries that reopen

Wide-eyed with yeasty bread, lifting

Warm crusts to soak in buttery pools. A

Whisper of hope dashes against a nation’s

Worst fears, sinking into darker spirits.



Here is how I am using Terrance Hayes’s Golden Shovel poem format, as proposed by the Sunday New York Times "At Home" section, for 30 Poems in 30 Days during National Poetry Month.


Take a newspaper headline that attracts you.

Use each word in the line as the end word for each line in your poem.

Keep the end words in order.

Describe the story that the headline is for.

The poem does not have to be about the same subject as the headline that creates the end words.


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