Saturday, May 8, 2021

May Golden Shovel #8

source: Job Growth Slowed in April, Muddling Expectations


She had been searching a long time for a job.

The pandemic was nearing an end and growth

Was assumed. Her search slowed

Despite everyone thinking jobs would open in

her area. But she found nothing in April.

Rent was due, her savings depleted. In the future muddling

Through could not continue. What were her expectations?


I’m continuing to use Terrance Hayes’s Golden Shovel poem format, as proposed by the Sunday New York Times "At Home" section, for 30 Poems in 30 Days during National Poetry Month.


Take a newspaper headline that attracts you.

Use each word in the line as the end word for each line in your poem.

Keep the end words in order.

Describe the story that the headline is for.

The poem does not have to be about the same subject as the headline that creates the end words.

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